Xeno Fighters R Wiki
Stage EX-2
(Forest of Naju)
Inspired by The Guardian Legend
Terrain type Forest
Major enemies
End boss Blue Optomon
Miniboss None
Hidden bonuses
Number of Micluses 7
Number of Fairies ?

Forest of Naju is the second EX stage in Xeno Fighters R. The stage is based on forest stages from The Guardian Legend [Area 3, Area 4, Area 13, Area 14].

Starting stages 1942 Midway Islands (1) ● 2035 American Midwest (2)
"A" path stages 1995 Chechnya (3-A) ● 2035 Iceland (4-A) ● 2003 Afghanistan (5-A) ● 1915 France (6-A)
"B" path stages 1974 Vietnam (3-B) ● 2035 Portugal (4-B) ● 1991 Persian Gulf (5-B) ● Dimensional Abyss (6-B)
Final stages End of Days (5-C) ● Asteroid Belt (F-A) ● Temporal Spaceport (F-B) ● BRES Colony (F-C)
EX stages Gemini Canyon (EX-1) ● Forest of Naju (EX-2) ● Parobee Fusion (EX-3) ● '98 D R E A M S (EX-4) ● Lair of the Leviathan (EX-5) ● San Diego (EX-6)
Developer stages Black Heart's DomainBPze's Room of Doom